Cincinnati Trip
Cincinnati Trip
Join us as we visit Cincinnati and the Creation Museum! On Saturday we'll visit the Creation Museum, a $25,000,000+ building committed to explaining the existence of the world from the Bible. If you don't know what that means, join us and find out! And you may check out the Creation Museum website for more details: .
When: We will depart Saturday, January 18, 8:30am, and return on Sunday, January 19 by 6:00pm.
Cost: $25, which includes admission to the Creation Museum, lodging, transportation, and Saturday dinner, Sunday breakfast, and Sunday lunch. Bring extra money for lunch at the Creation Museum on Saturday.
What to Bring: Bring the usual items you would bring when you are staying overnight somewhere. Your host will have towels, sheets, soap, etc. You might also want to bring a small gift for your host (not required).
Restrictions: Since most of Saturday will be spent at the museum, you should be able to read English fairly well, so that you can understand the exhibits. Children 10 years old or older are welcome.
There is room for only eleven, so register soon. To register, fill out the Google form by clicking the "Register" button. Then pay by Paypal by clicking the "Pay" button. You don't need a Paypal account to pay through Paypal. You just need a credit card.